
Showing posts from December, 2017
1. Podiatrists who are board certified in Podiatric Medicine are prevented from medically treating the ankle by states nationwide.  2. Such states recognize board certification in SURGERY to improperly screen out and prevent podiatrists who are board certified in PODIATRIC MEDICINE FROM MEDICALLY treating the ankle.  ( For example, NYS enforced this barrier of access to care by including the following language in it's state legislation:  " The practice of podiatry may also include diagnosing, treating, operating and prescribing for any disease, injury, deformity or other condition of the ankle and soft tissue of the leg below the tibial tuberosity if the podiatrist has obtained an issuance of a privilege to perform podiatric standard ankle surgery or advanced ankle surgery in accordance with section seven thousand nine of this article." Such facially neutral language using the words diagnosing and treating  any disease, injury, deformity or other condition of the ankle